Join Our Online Classroom!

Join Our Online Classroom!

To make sure that you all succeed with this course, we have an online community of thousands of developers helping to answer questions and talk about all things programming and web development! Just like a real bootcamp. Some people even use this community after they have finished the course and gotten jobs since they now have lifelong coding friends.

Join by clicking here:

We have created a community for all the students. In the spirit of keeping the course as useful as possible for employment, we are introducing an online classroom where you can:

- Introduce yourself 

- Ask the community questions  

- Meet other students around the world  

- Learn from each other

I am very excited about this and many students have said this is the best part of the course as you will feel like you are learning in a classroom rather than by yourself in front of a computer. I know it isn't for everybody, but being able to ask questions and help others when they have questions is the best way to learn. The Q&A section in the course will still be available. This community should give you faster replies to your questions from the community, while learning another valuable tool.

I hope you find it useful.

I'll see you inside :)

Join by clicking here:

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